Friendly Games "The D.C. Cup Way"
Friendly games are offered to participating teams only that do not advance to the knockout stage. Friendly games are played on Saturday and Sunday of the tournament week weather permitting and the availability of fields. Teams are matched up with other D.C. Cup teams in their age group and every attempt is made to make sure that teams in the same group stage bracket do not play each other in the Friendly games. This would provide the teams that do not advance a possibility of playing a total of at least 5 games during the week (weather permitting and field availability).
Registration Procedures
The registration procedures are as follows:
Friday - 3:00 pm to 6:00pm
Saturday - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Note: If all available time slots are filled prior to the above hours, registration will close.
All games will be played on Sunday depending on field availability.
Planned Time Slots (Subject to Change) are as follows:
Saturday - 9:30am-11:30am-1:30pm-3:30pm
Sunday - 9:00am-11:00am-1:00pm-3:00pm
Saturday time slots will be filled first beginning with the earliest time slot. Once all slots are filled for Saturday, then Sunday slots will be filled beginning with the earliest time slot.
Games will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. Teams may not register until it is confirmed that they will not advance from the preliminary round.
If two teams wish to play each other a representative from each team must come to registration at the same time.
Teams will be paired based on the field of teams registered. Pairings will be reviewed to try and make sure that you do not play a team from your DC Cup Bracket.
Games will be full length according to the Rules of the Competition for the DC Cup, except that all teams may use free unlimited substitutions at the referee’s discretion on entry. No overtime will be played.
Referee Fees will be paid by the participating teams. Each team will be responsible for 50% of the total cost. Referee fees will be collected in cash at the time of registration. The exact amount must be presented in payment (i.e. one $50, one $20, and one $5 bills, etc). We will not have any change available at registration. In the event one of the registered teams does not show up for the match their percentage of the total cost is forfeited. We will try to reschedule the remaining team if possible. If not their percentage of the referee fee will be returned.
Total cost is $200 or $100 per team.
Please note: All Friendly Games are subject to weather, field availability and referee availability and may be cancelled if DC Cup tournament games require the use of the fields planned for Friendly Games.
Remember These Are Friendly Games
Respect your opponent and enjoy it!